Wish List

Wish List
I would love to travel around the world. Probably because there is so much to see out there. Egypt would definately be a place to start. Yes! I happen to find the pyramids fascinating. The country reminds me of a snake park i went to when i was little. They had an Egyptian cobra on display. Thing looked anything but friendly. However, a mean looking snake wouldnt stop me from visiting.
I also would love to own a yacht. I dont swim. Large water bodies scare the daylights out of me. I guess it wont exactly be necessary to own one if im not going to spend much time in it. So i will just get myself a dog instead. I would call it something vicious, like Rontu. Its a name i read in a children's book once. It would not be fair to call a dog something like Elijah. He would just die of shame.
I would really love to write a book. Definately not a biography unless i really have to. I would want to write something with no tragedy. Light humor is my passion. I guess that is why i find the works of Mark Twain to be so intriguing. He writes in a way that wont  make you laugh out loud, yet after you done you wont be wanting to throw yourself into a lake full of crocodiles either.
I would want to make a difference. I dont know how but probably save a life or so. I mean that in a big way. I suppose this emanates from how bad a place the world can be. I mean, there are wars. Nuclear weapons falling into wrong hands. Natural disasters. Disease outbreaks. Crime. Poverty. Its an endless list. Which is why i know a big difference shall come in handy someday. As for now, its all about baby steps i suppose.
I would love to learn another language. Am terrible at this so i guess that means Hebrew is off the list. I suppose i need to stick to the common languages. Spanish. French. That would be a place to start.
I have also considered inventing something. Then i realised that am not that smart. So i suppose i will leave it at that.
I would love to go back in time and meet great people. Harriet Tubman. Anne Frank. Marilyn Monroe. Does that make me feminist? I suppose, but thats alright.
Its too bad that by the time i die, i might not have travelled that far or written a book or learnt a new language. Still that sad realisation does not keep me from dreaming. Mainly because i believe that dreaming about something is already half doing it. So i suppose im left with a lot of halves to complete.
Im alright with that.


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