The Prince and his friend

The thing about looking for a job is not to expect much from anyone. Mainly because nobody is going to tell you straight up that they cant help you. So you end up with a million promises. So much hope, until one day you realise that not that many people are going to be as helpful as you might have imagined.
So there was this man, mid fifties. He happened to know a friend of my mother's friend. So here we got to sit down with him and he really tried to help. For the 1st five minutes of our one hour meeting of cause. For starters,  his suit looked expensive so that gave me a little hope. Then he started telling me about himself. I almost fell off my  chair when he told me that he was good friends with the Prince of Wales. William. The son to queen Elizabeth. See, i have told my fair share of lies,  but that guy was on an entire level of his own.
He sat on several company boards and helping me get a job was going to be at the top of his to do list.
He told me that his Blackberry phone was a 1st edition of its kind. He got it because he was friends with top people who ran the company. I couldnt dispute. Up to this day i have no idea who runs Blackberry. Thinking about it now, i do not think he knows either. However, at that moment, i needed a job so i acted like i believed him. He even let me touch his phone. Almost didn't wash my hands the entire day.
As young as i was, i ddn't think a man with an expensive looking suit and decent shoes would lie about anything. Looking back now, i realise how wrong i had been. If i had to meet him today,  i highly doubt i would recognise him. However, the stories he told me in under an hour are going to stay in my head forever.
After we parted ways, having exchanged emails and all. I never heard from the man again. Several years later, i overheard the friend to my mother's friend mention his name in a converstation to do with him serving time in a maximum prison. Harmless lying would piss a few people off but most certainly not send anybody to jail. So up to this day, i still wonder what exactly he did to get himself in that position.
However, whatever prison he is, i bet his fellow inmates are sitting in awe as they patiently await for a visit from the Prince of England.


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