The Grim Reaper

When death comes knocking at my door clad in urgency, i will do my best to offer an appropriate response. I would not want to be labelled as scaredy pants. Infact, my pants are very brave. Sounds weird now eh? Point is as much as i am not afraid of dying, i sure as hell am not going to give in easily. Let alone go out there hunting death for no reason. I dont see why folk fret so much when death is dropped in a conversation. Most people i associate with are Christians. So its puzzling to hear them speak of death with so much fear!
Every Christian spends their entire lifetime on earth in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We all want to be written in the book of life. Its inevitable, therefore for one not to be under the impression that we all cant wait to die! Technically, the less you live, the less sins you have. So chances of making it to the pearly gates for those that die early are way higher than anybody else's.  I know i would want to walk on the streets of gold someday.
It does not, however give me the unique privilege of bravery to look foward to the glorious day that is dreaded by all. As much as i wont go out there chasing death, i shall embrace it with such honor that some will nichodemously envy my courage.
I am not generally a courageous individual by the way. Reptiles spook the living daylights out of me. I would not want to be buried alive. I would die of fear. So i expect my family to make sure that i am dead before they start crying and all. Not that i would want them to wail hopelessly, tear off their clothes and threaten to die with me, no. Just enough tears so people would actually understand how much of a loved person i was. The reason they need to make sure is because i am afraid of being buried alive. Now, that would be a cruel end to my life.
I believe in organ donating. In an ideal situation, i would like all organs than can be recycled to be removed and given to those in need. Am sure someone out there with my blood type would want a heart, liver or kidney replacement. Cant let good body parts go to waste for no reason. Am sure i will be granted better parts in paradise. I wouldnt mind a set of wings though. They would be appropriate for a walk on golden streets.
I honestly do not want to die just yet. I dont have much to do around here but i am not ready just yet. However, when it happens i shall accept it gracefully and try to make the best out of it.


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